2015. január 5., hétfő

USA Christmas House Decorations

I just quickly would like to take a second and wish good luck for every american families taking off their Christmas lights. Some of them has possibly been putting them up since July, so it might also takes some time to take them off.. :)
Honestly I love Christmas decorations, and it does create a special Christmas feeling in and around the house.Actually, a lot of Hungarians probably don't have a chance to experience that type of decoration, because most of them live in those kind of tall-old apartment buildings..So having such decorations like the pictures below were probably worth all the hard work, even if some people went just a little overboard..Well, maybe they should just leave it up there until next year, or just switch the snowmen to rabbits for Eastern. Either way, Good Luck everyone!:)

Hát veled mi történt - Calvin Harris then and now

Így átalakulni műtét nélkül, ezen valószínűleg nem csak a nagytudású stylistok pislognak, de a személyi edzők is meghajolnak. Kicsi Calvinnek időbe telt míg "rátalált tartalékaira". Emlékszem, amikor 2010-ben óriási pontyozós tomboldát nyomott a szigeten, esély nem volt arra, hogy a zenéjén kívül arra emlékezzünk, hogyan néz ki. Mára ugyan kicsit populáris a vonal, de már önmaga is borítóra helyezhető